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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Screw you, AP & your chicken little B.S.!

Heat Waves To Be 3 To 5 Degrees Hotter By 2050.


Oh, really? Weather guessers can't even get past a 50/50 accuracy mark for next weekend's weather planning, let alone for 42 years hence.

Oh. Computer models, you say.

Really? Like the computer models that never predicted the intense, and frequent hurricane season of 2004 that spawned hurricanes like Katrina? Or the computer models that never predicted the intense & frequent rash of tornadoes that continue to plague the U.S. this year??

Or how about the computer models that currently predict an approaching global cooling phase for the next few decades?? And let us not forget the chicken littles during the 1970s who predicted a new ice age by the end of that millennium. I'm pretty sure that one didn't happen.

Screw you, AP & your chicken little B.S.!