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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Taliban thugs attack Afghan schools; kill children

The murderous islamic thugs don't want children, particularly girls, to receive a general education.

Afghan Deputy Education Minister Mohammad Siddiq Patman tells RFE/RL that many schools cannot operate in Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Paktika, Zabul, and other provinces due to insecurity.

Patman says that in addition to the physical attacks on students, teachers, and schools, the Taliban has also staged a "psychological war against education."

"They distribute threatening leaflets to residents warning them not to send their children to school or face the consequences," he says.

The cowardly taliban thugs can't fight like men against armed soldiers, so they attack women, children and burn schools. Since March, 2008, seventy-two students and teachers have been killed. 62 schools have been burned down.

But the Afghan people are eager for education and won't let the murderous islamic thugs keep them down.
In many areas, local people need little or no encouragement to send their children to school. Girls were deprived of education under Taliban rule when only boys were allowed to attend religious schools.

The eagerness for education has been so great in many Afghan areas that students do not even mind having classes in tents or even under a tree.

Girls now make up at least 35 percent of the students.

NEA. Talk to the hand...