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Saturday, August 02, 2008

What would the World do without parasites lawyers?

We've dealt with the sleazy shananigans from these vile vermin before, but it's nice to know others are out to nail these slimy slugs to the wall before they rob the American taxpayer of even more $$.

U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (ILR) Exposes Breadth of Trial Lawyers’ Earmarks in Congressional Bills.

“The plaintiffs’ trial bar has found a pastime almost as enjoyable as filing lawsuits: convincing Congress to pass legislation allowing them to file more lawsuits,” said ILR President Lisa A. Rickard. “This legislative session, they have tucked trial lawyer ‘earmarks’—vehicles giving them greater opportunity to sue—into a large number of bills now before Congress.”

Your tax dollars at work, people.