Saturday, September 06, 2008

Anaheim high school must allow Bible club

A federal court judge issues the ruling, citing other Esperanza campus groups he says are not related to academics.

We've dealt with this seemingly organized effort of bigotry & intolerance toward Christians in tax payer support educational venues before - mainly universities.

Fortunately, the courts made the right decisions in those cases, and once again they've made the right decision at a Cali. high school. Namely, tax payer supported educational venues will not be party to bigotry & intolerance against certain religious groups.

That means the district must follow the federal Equal Access Act and 1st Amendment and allow the Bible club to form, (U.S. District Judge Cormac J.) Carney said. The club will now be able to meet on campus, have access to an advisor and school supplies, and be listed in the yearbook, complete with a photo.

"Schools must provide a microcosm of society, along with the freedom for students to be exposed to diverse and challenging views and choose between them," Carney wrote. "The district's objections seem to be based, at least partially, on a paternalistic desire to control the views and outlets available to students during the day."

Of course, that knuckle dragging pack of school district bigots may not go gently into that open mindedness.
"District officials say they will now review the school's club policies and decide whether to fight the suit."

Yup. It's not your money you're spending, but the taxpayers!

Apparently, Southern California has several packs of knuckle dragging school district bigots who can't understand 'the free exercise thereof':
in 2001, Saddleback Valley Unified School District in south Orange County banned 29 non-academic groups rather than allow a religious one to form. The policy was reversed months later.