Videos WhatFinger

Friday, October 17, 2008

Is the Buckeye state now the ACORN state?

High court rejects GOP in Ohio voting dispute.

Apparently, the 200,000 questionable voter registration will be allowed in Ohio.

AP over at HA deciphers the lawyer speak, and says it all turned on a procedural issue.

"...the law confers exclusive power upon (Ohio's Secretary of State Jennifer) Brunner (D) and the head of the DMV to deal with mismatched forms..."

In other words, only the Feds can step in to kick malfeasance bvtt & take duplicitous names.

But Ace says, "Don't hold your breathe waiting for that, they (DOJ) are too busy investigating people who dare point out that it's illegal for non-citizens to vote.

God save the Republic.