Friday, November 07, 2008

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius in Obama's cabinet?

"The posts most mentioned in connection with Sebelius are the departments of Health and Human Services, Energy, Education or Commerce."

Sebelius was an early supporter of Obama, and the rumor mill is floating her name.
"Democrats close to Sebelius say they don’t know what the future holds for her."

But you have to ask yourself, what fresh lunacy would grip Obama to have him put up with Sebelius' horrid flat earth monotone for the next four years?

If she does make the cut, it'll be just one more example of disingenuous 'hope n change' of another failed lib with failed lib policies:

In contrast to Missouri's budget surplus under Republican Governor Blunt, Sebelius helped run Kansas' state budget into the ground with a projected deficit for 2009 of one billion dollars.

Plus, in a further effort to keep the voters in the dark, thwart economic development, and hamper infrastructure improvement, Sebelius blocked construction of two coal-fired power plants in western Kansas last year, citing its carbon emissions. A myrmidon lock step that was sure to please the O-Man.

Speaking of darkness, Sebelius showed her disingenuous, bigot self on the campaign trail for Obama this year with a thoroughly classless play of the broad brush race card. How unifying. Right, O-Man?

And let's not forget Sebelius' BDS tantrum at the expense of the poor folks in Greensburg, Kan. after a devastating F-5 tornado leveled their entire town in May, 2007.

Her 'Blanco-esque' broadside sought to discredit & embarrass an administration in the middle of a war by falsely claiming that the Bush administration had severely compromised Kansas' Nat'l Guard resources, and was unable to respond as effectively as it could because of its involvement in the war in Iraq. A claim that was roundly criticized and discredited. Compounding her foolishness was the fact that Sebelius had not even bothered to request Nat'l Guard help from neighboring Governors. Nor, did she even bother to request a loan of emergency equipment from McConnell Air Force base near Topeka, two hours away from Greensburg. The O-Man never did like that war, anyways.

It's hopey-changey-licious!