Thursday, January 22, 2009

Name That Party!

Where once again, we have to ask our audience: Is this politician a democrat or a democrat?

Oregon Department of Justice Investigates Openly Homosexual Mayor of Portland for Affair with Legislative Intern.

"The investigation stems from (Mayor Sam) Adams' public apology about his 2005 relationship with Beau Breedlove.

He had long denied having a relationship with Breedlove, but Monday the mayor admitted that they started having a relationship in the summer of 2005, shortly after Breedlove turned 18...

...At the time that Adams said their relationship began, Adams was a city commissioner and Breedlove was a legislative intern."

So, Mr. Mayor, if this lil rump ranger rodeo is legit and above board, why so mysterious? Do city regulations prohibit city officials from 'fraternizing' with interns?? And what is this mayor's political party affiliation???

The Oregonian doesn't mention this mayor's political party affiliation, but it's a local source so maybe it's assumed that all know this mayor's political party.

Nope. The NY Daily news doesn't know (linked above).

The Plain Dealer picked up the AP's wire story, and no mention of the mayor's political affiliation there, either.

Portland's local homosexual community paper is calling for the mayor to resign, and even they don't mention his political party affiliation.

Oh. Wait. He's is a democrat. I'm glad it was so easy to learn.