Thursday, January 22, 2009

Charter School Sued for Teaching Islam; Staff Under 'Secrecy Oath?'

This is the same tax payer supported school in Minnesota which didn't fly the American flag for 5 years because they 'didn't know how.'

"The ACLU names Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, or TiZA, and the Minnesota Department of Education in a lawsuit in federal court that says the charter school is using taxpayer money to illegally promote religion."

Charter schools are tax payer financed, but privately run schools, which boast significantly better academic track records than their unionist infested, 'cookie cutter curriculum' public gub'mint school cousins. Customer satisfaction is at the core of Charter schools - and parents like them. A lot.

But does that include the 'democratic demand' to include religious training? The ACLU says 'No', and state law concurs that "while schools should appropriately accommodate students’ religious beliefs, they must be ‘nonsectarian’ under the state’s charter school law." Compounding this problem at TiZA is who is privately running this charter school - essentially a madrassa - in Minnesota:
"The Muslim American Society, a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, out of which the genocidal terrorist group Hamas emerged."

Perhaps that explains why they 'didn't know how' to fly the American flag?