Videos WhatFinger

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Uber-left President Butts Heads w/ Ultra-right Conservatives; Declares 'I won!'

Limbaugh, Schimbaugh. Obama has the same problem with Sean Hannity.

Is there an ego in the room?

And can you imagine the spittle flecked liberal tirades if 'the chimp' had dared chastise democrats to not listen to one media outlet or personality??

The bully pulpit not with standing, what's disturbing about this story is Obama's quasi-autocratic tone from his position as President with pronouncements of "I won" which appear to discount the equal third of Congress' place in this triad government.

Obama may find an early end to the congressional honeymoon if he continues to press his unidirectional sophistry of 'bi-partisanship' - all the while condemning congressional conservatives for listening to other conservatives (like Limbaugh) "if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration." (A 'get along' that Obama never practiced in his short stint as a senator.)

48 wishes to remind 52 that talk radio is so successful because not only does the audience listen to the blow hards behind the microphone, but the blow hards listen to the audience.

Update: Which is more lame, "I won or I'm the decider?"