Dr. Zero posts his Disagreement With the Kennedy Narrative.
"I don’t think a man who lied to the police, and dispatched henchmen to destroy the reputation of the victim, to help his nephew beat sexual assault charges is any sort of feminist hero. Let me know when the feminists think it’s okay for a Republican to be one of the slices of bread in a waitress sandwich. The idea that political positions convey a supreme virtue, trumping abhorrent personal behavior, should be buried with Kennedy.I disagree that someone’s party affiliation, position in the government, or last name should put them above the law. I disagree that four decades of squatting in a safe Senate seat is admirable, for anyone of any political party. I don’t see anything to applaud about a notorious womanizer with a spotless record of abortion extremism. I don’t find anything noble about a man born to wealth and privilege seeking moral authority by socking struggling middle-class businessmen with the bill for his high-minded social programs… especially when he took every opportunity to shelter his own income from taxes."
I concur with Dr. Zero.
TY to this malcontent for the graphic.