"How many czars in the White House are, if the White House are full of czars?"
Obama has about 30 tucked in cubby holes around the White House.
Bailout czar.
Climate czar.
Education czar.
Latin America czar.
Cybersecurity czar.
Guantanamo Closure czar.
Afghan-Iraq war czar.
Stimulus Accountability czar.
Green-Jobs czar.
Radio-Internet Fairness czar.
Great Lakes czar.
Drug czar.
Energy czar.
Health-care czar.
AIDS czar.
Weapons czar.
Intelligence czar.
Technology Czar.
Terrorism Czar.
Border Czar.
TARP Czar.
Performance Czar.
Czars have been around since the grand daddy of all nanny-state Leftists, FDR, appointed his hand picked few. But, back then, FDR called them 'dictators'.
Too obvious even for today's gub'mint edjucated electorate, so the language is manipulated into 'czars'.
These president appointed 'czars' are unaccountable to Congress, and it's unknown what this current crop is costing the
Glenn Reynolds explains: