Videos WhatFinger

Friday, September 04, 2009

Celebrity Cultists Pledge Allegiance to the Cult of Celebrity

Granted, some of these folks offer up pragmatic ideas for bettering their community (meet my neighborhood, conserve energy, be a hospital volunteer, mentor someone, etc), while others simply regurgitate vague, self-indulgent tripe (save our planet, end slavery, health care for all, save the children, etc.).

Of course, all this ends with a solemn pledge to support Barack Obama and all of mankind - as if the two were somehow wonderously intertwined in a magical unicorn forest, and could never have been possible until The One ascended Pennsylvania Avenue.

What appeared so profound to me were these good ideas are what tens of millions of Faithful hear almost any Sunday, from any Preacher, in any Christian Church. Yet, these Christians, and their philosophy of 'salt & light', are exactly who get ridiculed by these same sycophant, celebrity cultists in their cult of celebrity pursuit of their politically correct savior.

"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." - Jesus Christ

Place yer bets!

"I pledge to only flush after a deuce, and not after a single."

'Scuse me. I have to vomit.