By Mark Tooley at the American Spectator:
"It's an article of faith for the secular and Religious Left that Western civilization is a pox upon the planet. According to this not-so-new mythology, the earth and its indigenous peoples were essentially good. But European civilization, corrupted by Christian Constaninianism, injected corruption, conquest and genocide into largely pristine cultures.
In 1990, the National Council of Churches infamously denounced the impending quincentennial of Christopher Columbus' "invasion" of America, which brought only "slavery, genocide, theft and exploitation." In earlier years, the church council, whose chief denominations had helped found the United States, had celebrated American democracy. But the NCC's ideologues, like most of the Religious Left, no longer heed Christianity's traditional understanding of humanity as fallen. In the preferred mythology, people are good but corrupted by "systems" primarily associated with capitalism, patriarchy, and the Church."