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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Most Corrupt Democrat?

Corrupt-o-crat, corrupt-o-crat, in the Halls;
Who's the most corrupt democrat of them all?

Sen. Chris 'countrywide' Dodd? Nope. Speaker of the House Nancy 'private jetliner' Pelosi? Nyet. William 'cold cash' Jefferson? Negatory. Sect'y of Treasury Timmy 'turbo tax' Geitner? Hardly. Gov. Bill 'pay to play' Richardson? Rank amateur. Convicted Baltimore Mayor Sheila 'bribe me!' Dixon? Small potatoes. Sen. John 'on my knees for lobbyists' Murtha? A lying, seditious not even close.

Nope. This year's decade's Congressional Putrefaction Award goes to none other than Charlie 'I spit in the face of the American taxpayer' Rangel.

"The House Ethics Committee’s investigation has been dragging on for a year. On one hand, each passing month seems to give the committee some other Rangel malfeasance to look into. Yet one wonders why there are not at least interim findings when the subject is the legislator with the single greatest ability to influence the tax code."

Waiting & waiting.

Via dees guys.