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Friday, September 18, 2009

ObamaCare Would 'Save Many Lives'

"So Why Fuss Over Illegal Aliens?"

That's the pronouncement from senior news analyst Daniel Schorr at gub'mint subsidized NPR.

Mr. Schorr needs to pull his head up from Obama's lap, long enough to take a look around at the dozens of socialized medicine 'waiting to die' horror stories coming from England & Canada.

The problem with liberals on this issue is the same problem with liberals on every issue: they feel gub'mint is the central planning panacea for everything - despite decades of evidence to the contrary.

Instead of reasonable & controlled tweaks to the existing system - eliminate state barriers to insurance choice (pro-choice. right, libs??), eliminate pre-existing condition restrictions, allow tax exempt medical savings plans, allow individual tax deductions for health insurance premiums (just like big business) - the libs get their nappies all soiled and ready to spend TRILLIONS over the next decade because 10% of the people don't have insurance.

And, as for that 'deficit neutral' & eliminating "hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud" from Medicare crap?

Charles Krauthammer wants to know Does He Lie?

"Moreover, if half a trillion is waiting to be squeezed painlessly out of Medicare, why wait for health care reform? If, as Obama repeatedly insists, Medicare overspending is breaking the budget, why hasn't he gotten started on the painless billions in "waste and fraud" savings?

Obama doesn't lie. He merely elides, gliding from one dubious assertion to another. This has been the story throughout his whole health care crusade. Its original premise was that our current financial crisis was rooted in neglect of three things -- energy, education and health care. That transparent attempt to exploit Emanuel's Law -- a crisis is a terrible thing to waste -- failed for health care because no one is stupid enough to believe that the 2008 financial collapse was caused by a lack of universal health care."

And these liberal nimrods wonder why the American people are upset.