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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Accused Holocaust museum killer dies in prison

Good riddance to bad rubbish:

"Accused Holocaust Memorial Museum gunman James Von Brunn has died in a prison hospital more than six months after a rampage that left one security guard dead. Von Brunn was rushed to the Butner Federal Medical Center in Butner, N.C., Wednesday where he was pronounced dead just before 1 p.m., Federal Bureau of Prisons spokeswoman Felicia Ponce said.

It wasn't clear what caused his death, but Von Brunn, 89, had long been in poor health and was wounded in the June 10 shooting. He was in a massive federal prison in Butner, N.C., undergoing psychiatric evaluation while awaiting trial for the slaying of Stephen Johns, a veteran security guard, at the Southwest D.C. museum."

Not a day after the tragic shooting, the Lefties were quick paint Von Brunn as a wingnut birther, and blame it all on talk radio.

Not that the lefties were being prejudiced or judgmental or anything...

Of course, it wasn't so black & white with absolute certainty (something Lefties claim to loathe). True, Von Brunn was a white supremacist who hated Jews and liberals, but he was also a 9/11 'truther' who hated neo-cons, George Bush, John McCain, Bill O'Reilly & FOX news magnate, Ruppert Murdoch.

And he was an evolutionist. Oh noes!
"As with ALL LIBERAL ideologies, miscegenation is totally
inconsistent with Natural Law: the species are improved
through in-breeding, natural selection and mutation. Only
the strong survive. Cross-breeding Whites with species lower
on the evolutionary scale diminishes the White gene-pool
while increasing the number of physiologically, psychologically
and behaviorally deprived mongrels."

Krykee. Proof positive that this theory drives people over the brink. Best put it on the naughty list with Christianistas, talk radio, Gitmo, and SUVs.