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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

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Missouri lawmakers approve resolution against federal health care overhaul.

"Jefferson City -- The Missouri House sent a bipartisan message to the state's congressional delegation Tuesday: scrap the current federal health care reform legislation and start over.

Twenty-two Democrats joined 89 Republicans in passing a resolution urging Missouri's nine House members and two U.S. Senators to vote against the current health care reform bills before Congress.

The vote came just minutes after polls closed Tuesday in a Massachusetts special election in which Republican Scott Brown ran on a platform of breaking the Democratic supermajority in the U.S. Senate and possibly derailing President Obama's health care agenda."

It was a non-binding resolution, but merely intended to send a message to Congress.

Other Missouri democrats were clueless.
"While many Republican lawmakers viewed approval of the resolution as a key stance against the federal health care overhaul, some Democrats dismissed it as partisan posturing. Minority Leader Paul LeVota, D-Independence, called the debate “political theater” ..."

I disagree with Mr. LeVota's assessment, but if a state legislature can't engage in political theatre inside the state legislature, just where the h3ll can they???