President Obama's speech seemed to have everything in it, including the kitchen sink - 7200 hundred words of faded campaign promises, reiterated liberal policies, a mea culpa, derision of the separation of powers, plus a bone to the energy sector and the homosexuals (no pun!). Although he never mentioned not closing GITMO. Nutroots unite!
It was almost like he was on the campaign trail again: He used the word "I" or some variation, like "I've" or "I'm", 99 times during his speech; he used the word "congress" 11 times; he used the word "bank", "banker", or "bankrolled" also eleven times; he used the words "recovery act" (read: porkulus) six times; but he only used the word "military" twice, and the words "freedom" and "democracy" once and never used the words "liberty" or "opportunity" at all.
By comparison, the Republican response from the newly sworn in Governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell(R) was a parsimonious civics lesson on the founding principles of this great nation: "Opportunity - nine times; "Liberty" - three times; "Honor" - twice; "Individual" - twice; "growth" - twice and "congress" - twice.
Oh. McDonnell only used the word "I", or some variation there of, 6 times.