"When a fellow conservative tried to cheer me up this morning by assuring me that the Senate Democrats' victory on health care was going to be a Pyrrhic one, I realized I didn't remember much about Pyrrhus.
I went of course to Wikipedia. That fine reference work defines a Pyrrhic victory as "a victory with devastating cost to the victor."
So wrote Bill Kristol on December 19, 2009. Kristol went on to warn of complacency, then detailed three tactics, on multiple fronts, to keep the Democrats on the defensive - and the GOP mobilized.
Last Sunday night, the House narrowly passed the Senate's Healthcare bill, 219-212. It now heads to Obama's desk this morning for his signature, then back to the Senate to be "fixed." A quintessential understatement.
Tunku Varadarajan, over at the Daily Beast, explains how it's Deja Vu, all over again.
"So the Democrats have a health-care win in the House — a win that could prove mighty Pyrrhic."
I don't think Pelosi and the House Dems were paying attention. Let's hope the electorate will remember come November, and deliver a resounding defeat, because I fear that anymore of these "Pyyrhic victories" for Democrats will undue the demonstrative Tea Party grassroots more than the entrenched Liberal astroturf.
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