Videos WhatFinger

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Crash the TEA Party" Teacher Suspended from School

For advocating fraud, disturbing the peace, identity theft and usurping school property for personal use. Remember, this clown was teaching your children in a gub'mint school, paid for with your tax dollars.

"An Oregon teacher who announced his intention to "dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" has been placed on administrative leave until his school district finishes its investigation into whether his political activity crossed the line.

The state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission is also conducting an investigation into Jason Levin, a media teacher at Conestoga Middle School in Beaverton."

Apparently, Mr. Levin maintained a web site to advance his cause and recruit other like-minded tools. On that web site Mr. Levin announced that "he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets and acting as offensively as possible -- anything short of throwing punches."

He also advocated mining personal info from TEA partiers to commit identity theft.

At issue, of course, is not his right to free speech or participation in the political process, but whether he used school facilities, computers and time paid for by the tax payers to advance his political agenda and plan criminal activities.

Fraud, disturbing the peace, identity theft and usurping school property for personal use in order to discredit and embarrass other citizens seeking to exercise their Constitution right to peaceably assemble & protest.

My guess is he votes democrat.

But, wait. There's more! Verum Serum has uncovered “My Personal Political Manifesto” published by this self-describe "fascist libertarian" and religious bigot. It's confusing mish-mash of political/social ideologies that puts Levin squarely in the "holy crap nutjob" category. Aren't you so glad this clown had a job working around your children?

Sadly, that not the worst of it. Rusty will issue a wish-you-was-never-borned fatwah for his sacrilege!