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Friday, April 09, 2010

The Heart of Man is Evil, and Desperately Wicked

After many decades and billions in foreign aid, many African nations are still desperately poor, hungry and sick. A newly published study by the medical journal Lancet says the reason is massive corruption in many African nations.

Simply put, the foreign aid is not being used for the purpose it was intended. Their governments have squandered that foreign aid for other nefarious purposes - much of it untraceable.


You mean “the U.S. invasion of Iraq has killed 655,000 civilians” Lancet?

No matter; Corruption as the root cause of nationwide poverty has been substantiated from other sources so many times, since the twilight of European colonialism in the 1960s, that systemic corruption is practically a job qualification in most any African administration.

In this corruption's wake are endless cycles of regional warlords, land mismanagement, failed crops, failed markets, droughts, famines, and horrific pandemics.

Add to that misery the rapid rise of blood thirsty Islamic regimes in many North African countries – regimes willing to slaughter wholesale any population deemed “other” – and Western money is nothing more than a slush fund for weapons, bribes, and drugs.

Africa truly is a "Dark Continent," with many of that continent's governments the cause of the problems - not the solution.