Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Plug the Damn Hole."

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama has privately expressed his frustration to senior government officials that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has not been stopped and has made clear his feelings about it...

U.S. officials recognize only BP has the technology and expertise to handle the gusher. "Well, to push BP out of the way would raise a question, to replace them with what?" said Thad Allen, in charge of the U.S. response to the disaster."

Of course, the real question should be why do we have loon toon radical enviro-nutjobs determining our energy policy and driving oil companies miles off-shore, under the most extreme circumstances, smack dab in the middle of hurricane alley, atop the edge of the continental shelf to drill for oil one mile down to the ocean floor which resulted in a horrendous disaster that killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others??

But that would require common sense. Something sorely lacking on the Left.

Meanwhile, the insane clown posse has lots o' demand for their holistic services:

Louisiana's Jindal: Where's Obama?

Plug the damn border, Mr. President.

Just Plug the Damn HOLES, Mr. President.

Update: The estimable Charles Krauthammer agrees with moi:
"All spills seriously damage wildlife. That's a given. But why have we pushed the drilling from the barren to the populated, from the remote wilderness to a center of fishing, shipping, tourism and recreation?

Not that the environmentalists are the only ones to blame. Not by far. But it is odd that they've escaped any mention at all."
