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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Round Up Donkeys; Hunt RINOs

Marc A. Thiessen has a good op/ed in the WaPo about how Republicans, not Democrats, dominate the all important Senate Appropriations Committee. (my bold)

"Outside the halls of Congress, Republican politicians are divided into moderates and conservatives. But in the culture of the Senate, the real distinction is not between left and right but between appropriators and the rest. Appropriators hold the purse strings and dispense government largesse. They cut the backroom deals and decide who does and does not get an earmark. They are courted by lobbyists and feted by industries eager to get a piece of the government pie. They are the ones who gave us the "bridge to nowhere" and other infamous special deals. In other words, they represent everything that the grass-roots movement for fiscal discipline sweeping our country detests."
That means the PORK Barrel, boys n girls.

Come November, just remember: Round Up Donkeys, but Hunt RINOs.