Videos WhatFinger

Saturday, June 05, 2010

This Just In...

From NewsBusters:

"For general discussion and debate. Possible talking: employers added practically NO jobs to their payrolls in May."

I added my two cents:
"More storm clouds:

Bush tax cuts expire this year; crap-sandwich nationalized healthcare taxes start 2011; Medicare taxes increase 2011; healthcare mandate penalties looming; capital gains tax increase 2011; etc.

Business killers, all.

I used to think this president and his sycophant congress were simply obtuse buffoons blundering about with their soft-fascist canes and quasi-marxist lanterns, but now I am convinced this is a slow deliberate poisoning of our economic vitality.

Elections have consequences.

It's "We, the People..." not "Me, the President..."
Be back soon to blow off steam and poke more alligators with sticks!