Videos WhatFinger

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Sound of Silence

Typical. Them dang Republican "anti-immigrant" Vietnamese are so uncooperative. How dare they not bow down at the alter of race pimp politics and acknowledge what's entitled to their Latino betters?

Just wait till the chirping cricket chorus at ABC or CBS or CNN totally ignore Rep. Loretta Sanchez(D) race-pimp bigotry - and her merely marginal habla Espanol. That'll show them Republican "anti-immigrant" Vietnamese who's large and in charge!

Play the vid and make your own call.

I think she owes her opponent, Mr. Van Tran(R), and the people of her district a HUGE apology.

I'll listen to all these chirping crickets while I wait...

The undead has more. TY to HA.

UPDATE: Whoa! Can you hear that? Exactly. Silence. The crickets did stop chirping - but only long enough for Rep. Loretta Sanchez(D) to issue her severely parsed 'gee I'm sorry if you were offended, but I'm even more sorry I got caught being stupid on camera' non-apology.
From the Orange County Register:

"She did not, however, apologize for calling her Republican challenger Van Tran – himself an immigrant from Vietnam – anti-immigrant. Instead, she accused him of using her words to "take a cheap political shot."
Amazing. This Sanchez gal is not only a race-pimp bigot, she's gobsmackingly stupid, to boot.

Mr. Van Tran's(R) website is here.