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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nancy Pelosi (D - Looney) Wants to Ban the Word "Hate"

Don't you just hate it when that happens?
 "To hear Pelosi tell it, she really hates it when other Americans use the word “hate” in a political context. Pelosi’s overreaction is in response to the Bill O’Reilly Superbowl interview with Barack Obama, in which the host asked the president about the number of people who hate him.
Pelosi’s reply to the O’Reilly question was swift and confident: Simply stop using the word, and everything will be fine."
Manipulating language and perverting definitions.

Orwell's "1984" was meant to be a warning against this evil, not a guide book for how-to, Nancy.

Update: BTW, Nancy.

I hate the way you screwed the tax payers when using the U.S.A.F. as your personal on-call airline for your family & friends.

I hate the way you abused your position of power to call for investigations against American citizens who lawfully assembled to protest.

I hate the way you stuck your thumb in the people's eye, then taunted, “Kick open that door, and there will be other legislation to follow.”

I hate your lies about your Catholic convictions, then proudly proclaimed, "Obamacare will include abortion funding."

I'm sure she hates me for saying all this.