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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Progressive Hate Site "AlterNet" Calls GOP Pres. Candidate Herman Cain a "monkey"

And refers to other Black conservatives as "black garbage pail kids." Huh?

(insert obligatory inverse "what if a conservative publication had slurred any Black man like that?" here).

But these are no phantom slurs in search of a $100,000 reward to prove. They were maliciously published at AlterNet's website by an author employed by AlterNet.

From Power Line: One might have thought that the days of calling African-Americans "monkeys" were over. Not, however, among liberals.

Niger Innis, National Spokesman Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) demands an apology:
"It is particularly ironic after calls for civility in political discourse, by many in the media, that they would, through their inaction, encourage such socially reckless and racially insensitive material on a prominent leftwing publication.

At the heart of the fight for civil rights is the dignity of the rights of the individual. It is universally understood by all that to say “all blacks look alike” is racist. How sad it is that the mentality at AlterNet that led to this offensive commentary — “ALL BLACKS BETTER THINK ALIKE”– is not recognized to be as racist among Left-Wing racist cabals.

If AlterNet proclaims to champion civil rights, it will act immediately to rectify this situation and issue a public apology to those offended by their article."

Ed Morrissey also writes of this strange, racist attack on Herman Cain, and concludes,
"AlterNet owes Cain an apology, and perhaps those publications who give “Chauncey deVega” a platform should reconsider their relationships with the writer."

So, who is Herman Cain, and just what did he say at CPAC last week? Give an ear, citizens.

To learn more about GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain, click here.

Mr. Cain can also occasionally be heard sub hosting for Neal Boortz on AM750 WSB Atlanta.