That's the title of Zombie's latest blog post:
"I write this essay with a heavy heart. I’ve always considered myself an ardent advocate for education. But a recent rally staged by teachers and students in favor of school funding forced me to reluctantly acknowledge an awful truth: We have to destroy education in order to save it.
Let me explain how I came to this miserable conclusion..."
It's a thoughtful and worth while read, although I'm pretty sure he's referring to public school education and not the more effective and cost efficient choices of private education.

These are just a small sample of disturbing pictures captured at simultaneous rallies across California last month of the gub'mint school neo-bolsheviks and their demands for money, along with threats against the taxpayers and politicians if they don't get it.
The fact that California is broke and running a 20 billion dollar deficit this year is obviously lost on these geniuses.
These are the people educating your children.