Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dishonest Educators

From the erudite Dr. Walter E. Williams:
"There's some basis in fact for the speculation that it's mostly black teachers buying grades, and that includes former Steelers wide receiver Cedrick Wilson, who's been indicted for fraud. According to a study titled "Differences in Passing Rates on Praxis I Tests by Race/Ethnicity Group" (March 2011), the percentages of blacks who passed the Praxis I reading, writing and mathematics tests on their first try were 41, 44 and 37, respectively. For white test takers, the respective percentages were 82, 80 and 78.

This test-taking fraud is merely the tip of a much larger iceberg. It highlights the educational fraud being perpetrated on blacks during their K-12 education. Four or five years of college -- even majoring in education, an undemanding subject -- cannot make up for those 13 years of rotten education. Then they're given a college degree that is fraudulent, seeing as some have difficulty passing a test that shouldn't be challenging to even a 12th-grader. Here's my question: If they manage to get through the mockery of teacher certification, at what schools do you think they will teach?"
My answer is they will teach at union controlled monopolies called public schools, paid for with your tax dollars. But the real question is 'why would someone risk fines or imprisonment by cheating on a teacher's certification exam if the risks weren't worth the rewards?'

Related: 'Why 178 Public Educators in Atlanta Should be in Prison' deals with the 2011 Atlanta teachers scandal.