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Monday, January 14, 2013

Part of ACLU Lawsuit Against Prayers at Missouri County Commission Dismissed.

But only because the county capitulated to ACLU's demands.

 From Josh Mitchell at E-Missourian:
"The plaintiff, who is represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, still seeks nominal damages of $1 for past violations of constitutional rights, attorneys’ fees and other relief deemed appropriate by the court.
...The lawsuit, which was filed in May 2012 in U.S. District Court in St. Louis, alleges that prayers led by Presiding County Commissioner John Griesheimer violated the First and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The lawsuit alleges that the prayers mentioned “Jesus” and “Lord.”


The lawsuit went on to claim that "the prayers represented allegiance to a particular religious faith instead of recognizing that Franklin County is made up of all kinds of believers, the lawsuit charges."

Somehow methinks that jane doe's motivation was more anti-religious bigotry than inclusion of all faiths, but as a result, the county commission has officially adopted a new policy regarding opening invocations:
"Under the policy, volunteers can sign up to give the invocation by contacting the secretary to the commission, and no questions will be asked about religious preference."
Despite the prejudice of jane doe and her peevish litigation, the good folks of that county and commission were probably already predisposed to be courteous and agree to the request of any who wished to step up to say an opening prayer - regardless of their religious affiliation. It's probably why these things are called 'open meetings.'

But, wait. There's more.

Since Franklin County, Missouri is obviously awash in Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists et al, aching to pray at open meetings, these ACLU lawyers will continuously monitor the county commission to ensure that the county's new invocation policy results in more than just Christian prayers. The fate of our Constitution depends upon it, citizens.

And, of course, these ACLU slugs still want their pound of flesh in attorneys’ fees and other relief deemed appropriate by the court. That's how the ACLU's deep pockets get so deep: they initiate a siege that threatens to overwhelm municipal or county budgets which are already woefully under-funded; then wait out the enemy until that enemy capitulates. Pay day!

Maybe next time jane doe could just ask 'please' and save the tax payers the expense of the ACLU's profit. Or perhaps she simply can't get a slug unless she forces others to pay for it.