Thursday, December 27, 2018

Banana Caught Masquerading as an Apple

 CNN hardest hit.

Author Vijeta Uniyal reports from Germany for the Legal Insurrection blog with this headline: ‘CNN Journalist of the Year’ Fired for Faking News Stories

So, who is this 'CNN Journalist of the Year?' He is Claas Relotius, a reporter and editor for the German weekly 'Der Spiegel' - a publication so radically far-left it makes old school Soviet communists drool with envy.

Relotius doesn't work for CNN, but Der Speigel has a fierce woody of hate for Donald Trump and anything even remotely right of center. CNN recognized a fellow traveler and gave him an award in 2014. But now, ‘CNN Journalist of the Year’ Claas Relotius has been fired for faking news stories.

Fake news? It’s almost predictable, and has a very long paper trail. Literally.
Washington Post reporter Janet Cooke won a Pulitzer prize for her story called ‘Jimmy’s World’ in 1980. It was a heart-wrenching tale about an eight-year-old heroin addict in Washington D.C. It was also a complete fabrication. Cooke was fired for her lies.

In 2006, author Greg Mortenson released a book entitled ‘Three Cups of Tea’ in hopes of raising money for his charity called ‘Central Asia Institute’ (CAI). Its purpose was to build schools for children in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

After a CBS ’60 Minutes’ investigation in 2011 proved the book to be little more than half-truths & fabulism, the Montana AG (in Mortenson’s home state) investigated Mortenson and Central Asia Charity for improper use of money raised from book sales.

In November 2011, Mortenson’s co-author, David Oliver Relin, killed himself. By 2012, the Montana AG ordered Mortenson to repay CAI $1 million out of pocket.
Mortenson confessed to NBC’s Tom Brokaw during a 2014 interview what was already in evidence – Three Cups of Tea was a fraud.

Then there’s disgraced NY Times reporter Jayson Blair who resigned from that former newspaper after it was discovered he engaged in numerous cases of plagiarism and fabrication in his stories.

Or how about the Rolling Stone scandal about the fake Duke LaCross gang-rape of ‘Jackie?’ That ‘too good to check’ pack of lies cost Rolling Stone an estimated $10 million, and ruined the lives of many of the accused young men, plus a very stupid D.A.

And just earlier this month, blogger Fuzzy Slippers at Legal Insurrection detailed the lie about ‘Trump Jr.’s 2017 Testimony Conflicts With Cohen’s Account Of Russian Talks’ burped up by NPR during the first to be wrong races.

Now, we have CNN’s Journalist of the Year exposed and disgraced as a lying leftist POS of the previous 5 years. A Banana Caught Masquerading as an Apple

Fake news? Fake news? The lesson is well-known by all except by many in the journalism business: If you don’t want to be called fake news, stop being known for persistently publishing fake news! Happy New Year.