Thursday, December 27, 2018

Evolution of the American Tank

 "Most American military observers were unimpressed but some officers felt differently. Even before the American Expeditionary Force arrived in France, General Pershing took a liking to the tank. Seeing the metal monster in action, Pershing ordered the formation of an American tank corps before the end of 1917.

In the spirit of cooperation, Britain and France shared tank designs, and the U.S. were interested in combining the British heavy and French light tank doctrines into one force, using them to punch through an enemy’s frontline.

Two men, who would go on to become major figures during the next world war, began fitting this new battlefield beast into the U.S. army’s ranks. In France Captain George Patton worked hard to assemble the U.S. Tank Corps, while in the U.S., Captain Dwight Eisenhower helped create the U.S. Tank Service."