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Saturday, January 05, 2019

A Few Headlines

Is There A 10-Foot Wall Outside Obama’s House? We Went There To Find Out .
As the late Charles Krauthammer famously quipped, "If fences and walls don't work, why are there numerous ones around Obama's house?" Ok. Maybe that was paraphrasing...

Ohio doctor fired after anti-Semitic tweets surface, including threat to give Jews 'wrong meds', called Jewish people 'dogs', said holocaust was 'exaggerated'
Not expressly identified as 'white nationalist,' so it's a good bet she's Islamic (although the MSM will never tell).

New nano-satellite system yields high-res imagery at lower cost
"The proof-of-concept tests showed the circular array of sub-apertures yielded image resolution on par with full lens imagery."  Hmm. If I follow the concept properly, it's similar to large array radio telescopes on Earth applied to optical telescopes in space. - DK

What Kind of Person Pays to See the Band Phish 150 Times?
A garage band? Street performers? I have no clue, but clocking 150 repetitions of any form of entertainment requires serious therapy, doood.

Pelosi to DHS Secretary Kirsten Nielsen: ‘I Reject Your Facts’
Nielsen responded, “These are not my facts. These are the facts.” San Fran Nan(D) don't care. It's all a power grab in the spot light for her.

Congresswoman Flees From Reporters Asking About "Impeach The Motherfu*ker" Comment
Coward. Remember when the Left lost its collective poop over Trump saying 'sh*thole?'

Finally, some good news: Kansas Teen to Get High School, Harvard Diplomas in 1 Month
"Ulysses High School senior Braxton Moral will attend both commencement ceremonies in May..."

Wow. Congratulations! I wonder if his parents are white nationalist deplorables in fly-over country? Get right on it, Hillary.