Saturday, January 19, 2019

Don't Get Cocky Edition

NYC's New Minimum Wage Law Forcing Restaurant Owners to Cut Workers' Hours
It's a proven job killer in San Fransisco and Seattle, too.

"The owner of Heartland Brewery and Houston Hall, Bloostein said the effect of the higher minimum wage on payroll across locations represents "an immense cost" to his business. We lost control of our largest controllable expense," he told CBS MoneyWatch. "So in order to live with that and stay in business, we're cutting hours."

'Lost control.' I call that tyranny. What business is it of government as to what goes on between 2 consenting adults? The true minimum wage is 'zero.' Any thing else is negotiation between 2 consenting adults. MYOB, or meet your new robot overlords.

CES 2019: Robot Chefs Ready To Make You Burgers, Fries, Bread, Coffee
"We don't believe this is about job replacement," he said. "We are developing solutions that are productivity enhancers."
He said with a straight face.  But nothing beats a good fry cook.

CNN Host John King: "Should Pence Family’s Christianity Disqualify Them from Secret Service Protection?" No more than Nancy Pelosi's pro-abortion, lapsed catholicism should disqualify her. Good grief. Unashamed, blatant bigotry. Who watches this network?

University of Georgia Teaching Assistant Openly Talks of Killing White People
“We had to kill some white people to get out of slavery. Maybe if we’d killed more during the 20th century we still wouldn’t talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing, education, and employment discrimination. This should not be controversial.”

This isn't a one-off. There's a lot more, yet "Despite the TA’s history with controversial racial rhetoric, UGA has chosen not to take any action."

Why are Leftists institution such cess pools of anger, hate & violence? And why am I forced to subsidize this wretched rhetoric??

Doctors Saved Man's Life by Pumping 15 Cans of Beer Into His Body