Friday, January 18, 2019

UMKC professor resigns amid investigation he used students as ‘slave labor’

UMKC is the University of Missouri at Kansas City. The professor joined the UMKC faculty in 1994 as chairman of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division and held that post until last year.

From my long ago former employer, the Kansas City Star: "(Dr. Ashim) Mitra had been put on paid suspension by the university in November after The Star reported that former graduate students from India said the professor coerced them to do his lawn work, care for his dog, serve at social gatherings and perform other menial tasks. One of Mitra’s former students, Kamesh Kuchimanchi, called the work “slave labor.” Students told The Star they feared they would be forced to leave the university or lose their visas if they did not comply."

Apparently, only pharmacy students from India were oppressed as Mitra's personal 'slave labor,' and the abuse had gone on for decades.

The Star continues: "...the university not only knew about Mitra’s behavior but administrators overlooked complaints for years because Mitra was among the most successful faculty members in corralling millions in research dollars for the school."

To borrow from Instapundit, "Why are Leftists institutions such cess pools of oppression, abuse, and greed?"