Friday, January 18, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Grounds Pelosi & Co.'s Overseas Junket

Newly re-gaveled Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi(D-Ca) wielded her gavel. She decided. She proclaimed. She made her stand. She got grounded. Some MSM pundit called this a 'tit for tat' spat. Nope. It's great politics.

On January 3rd, Speaker Pelosi invited President Trump to the chambers of the U.S. House of Representatives to give the State of the Union Address on January 23nd to Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Justices of the Supreme Court of the USA, and all the American people.

"The Constitution also calls for the President to 'from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union,'" Pelosi wrote in her invitation to the president..."

This past Wednesday, Speaker Pelosi rescinded her invitation to Pres. Trump citing the 'security concerns' due to the now-four week long partial federal government shutdown. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen rejected Pelosi's alleged security concerns stating, "The Department of Homeland Security are fully prepared to support and secure the State of the Union."

Yesterday, Jan. 17th, Assoc. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg(RBG) grounded Pelosi & Co. from their taxpayer funded overseas junket on U.S. Air Force transportation. In their tracks. On the way to the airport. More popcorn!

Ok. Technically, Trump Postpones Pelosi’s Upcoming Trip Abroad Citing Urgency of Shutdown Negotiations, but it was really all about Pelosi's attempt to be too clever by half, while also tossing red meat to the Leftists for TDS consumption.

God willing, Justice Ginsburg will make a full recovery from her recent cancer surgery, but she's been in the news lately for her conspicuous absence from oral arguments at the high court during her recovery. As a result, there's hushed talk across the Beltway that Trump may soon make a third appointment to SCOTUS, if the 85 y.o. Justice Ginsburg doesn't recover.

Nobody remembers these State of the Union shows (except when Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie!" at Obama), but how conspicuous would RBG's absence be under the current circumstances? The nattering nabobs of negativity in the MSM wouldn't be parsing through Trump's SOTU words so much compared to the very long news cycle pointing out the fact that Assoc. Justice Ginsburg is not at the State of the Union show. Trump's prospects at appointing a 3rd justice to the high court would dominate. Speaker Pelosi sought to close off that publicity for Trump, then fly to Europe and points east at tax payer expense while 800k furloughed federal workers go without a paycheck. Trump saw his opening and he took it. No SOTU for me? No Air Force flights for you. Ruth Bader Ginsburg canceled Pelosi & Co's tickets. 'Tit for tat' spat? Nope. It's great politics.