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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Trump Knocks Economy Out of Park, into China, then Sells Them Rice

 Yes, you read that right. Trump sold rice to the Chinese. It's the 1st time ever in U.S. China history.

Against the din of derangement, 2018 ended on great economic news. In short, with the right skills, it's a workers paradise. No comrade necessary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report released last Friday, job growth surged by 312,000 in December, despite 'experts' predictions of just 176,000. Why do we listen to these guys?

Labor force participation rate increased to 63.1 percent, along with record low unemployment for Hispanics; and continued record low unemployment for Blacks; and record low unemployment for Women. That's very much appreciated real help for working families, not this handout crap peddled by the democrats.

Payroll growth totaled 2.6 million in 2018, the highest since 2015, and surpassed the 2.2 million in 2017. The biggest growth came from Health Care (50,000 w/ a year end total gain of 21% over 2017), Construction (38,000 w/ a year end total gain of 12% over 2017), Manufacturing (32,00 w/ a year end total gain of 37% over 2017).

But wait. There's more winning. Wages jumped 3.2 percent from a year ago. 'Experts' predicted only a 3.0% growth. Why do we listen to these guys? The year-over-year wage increase is the best since April 2009.

The bad news? Government jobs saw a gain of 11,000.

From CNBC: "The far bigger than expected 312,000 jump in non-farm payrolls in December would seem to make a mockery of market fears of an impending recession," Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics, said in a note. He added that the report "suggests the US economy still has considerable forward momentum."

This considerable forward momentum carried all the way to China. From the Epoch Times: "China has opened the door to imports of rice from the United States for the first time ever in what analysts took to signal a warming of relations between the world’s two biggest economies after a frosty year marked by tensions and tit-for-tat tariffs."

Plus, China Is Preparing to Buy U.S. LNG and Soybeans Again. From AgWeb: "Chinese purchases of the goods collapsed after Beijing imposed tariffs on them in retaliation for U.S. import taxes. The two nations agreed to temporarily halt the spiraling exchange of tariffs over the weekend, promising to try and iron out their differences by the start of March (2019)."

Also in 2019, Trump will sell fur coats to polar bears (who are thriving BTW, despite expert doom n gloom). Why do we listen to these guys?