Videos WhatFinger

Monday, February 25, 2019

All Award Shows, Defined

This finely-crafted descant is courtesy of J.J. Sefton over at AoSHQ.  His mastery of the English language is admirable, and I can only recognize the talent, but never aspire to it.

"That captures the essence of what passes for our self-described cultural elite. Blinkered, philistine, pig-ignorance wrapped up in blind rage that borders on, and occasionally crosses over, the line into psychosis. Essentially, it was three or so hours of revolting, sub-literate meat puppets vomiting up anti-American, anti-Trump diatribes that make the eye chart at the DMV eminently more fascinating and informative; and woe to anyone who dares voice a contrary opinion. That is, if anyone is allowed to do so."

Click on over for more perspicacious goodness.