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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Danish Plumbers Find 'Still Sharp' 14th Century Sword Near Sewer Work

"You'll never guess what I found at work today."

From the Local DK: "Swords were expensive items in the Middle Ages, and were only owned by wealthy segments of society such as the nobility. As such, (archaeologist Kenneth) Nielsen said he was surprised by the location of the discovery in what would have been a normal town street, given the tradition for warriors to be buried with their weapons. Most swords of this kind are found at burial mounds...

The best explanation we can come up with is that the owner of the sword was defeated in a battle. In the tumult, it was then trod down into the layer of mud that formed the street back then,” the archaeologist said."

Meh. Maybe. Occam's Razor says it was probably looted centuries later from one of those burial mounds, and a 'no honor among thieves' tumult is why it came to rest at its current muddy location.

The sword will be placed on display at the Aalborg Historical Museum, "close to the place that the sword was lost hundreds of years ago."