Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Erick Erickson endorses Trump/Pence 2020

 I think Erickson is the Editor-in-Chief over at The Resurgent (dot com). He's also an evangelical Christian, and infamously Never Trump - long after Trump was duly elected. I know Erickson has been mercilessly skewered by Ace over at AoSHQ as yet another umbrella apple-tini cuckboy on the RINO cruise ship, AHOY!

Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection brings us up to speed regarding Erickson's conversion from Never to Endorsement.

It's a big tent. I'll welcome almost anyone back into the fold who hasn't been convicted of a capital offense.

I had this to say in comments: "He also noted that “the pretty smiles and calm demeanors the other side will probably work through the media to contrast with the President will not hide the fact they think children can be killed at birth, Christians should be removed from policy making positions, and the economy should be bankrupted to implement environmental policies that will not actually mitigate climate change."

Bingo. Thank you!, Erick.

Dan Bongino calls this ‘danger zone morality.’ IE: When your sworn enemy is out to destroy you, and the guy next to you has your back, you don’t really care if the guy next to you smells his farts, cheats on his wife, hates dogs, has bad breath, and a foul mouth – as long as he has your back!

And Trump suits my purposes just fine, thank you.

For the Left, their mask hasn’t merely slipped, they’re in full on resident evil mode, and show no signs of letting up.

As for me and my house, danger zone morality is in affect until further notice.