Monday, February 11, 2019

More Evidence the Internet of Things is a No Good Horrible Very Bad Idea

Hackers could sabotage internet connected system monitors for thousands of commercial freezers at grocery stores, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies around the world.

From Rhett Jones at Gizmodo: "Using Shodan’s search engine for internet-connected devices, the researchers found that it was remarkably easy to access an RDM system and adjust the temperatures, alarm settings, and even obtain floor plans for the facilities where the refrigeration units are housed. In the case of a food storage facility in Iceland, for example, sabotage by a bad actor could theoretically result in a tremendous waste of the products it stores as well as damage to the freezers themselves, the researchers say. In the case of a hospital in the UK or the largest pharmaceutical company in Malaysia, tampering with the systems could theoretically have life-threatening consequences."

Because the world doesn't have enough problems already.