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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Massachusetts: Woman Who Attacked MAGA Hat Man at Mexican Eatery now in ICE Custody, Was in Country Illegally

Elizabeth Warren(D) and Ed Markey(D) are the U.S. Senators from Massachusetts. Have they condemned this assault by an illegal alien upon a U.S. citizen? If not, why not? Is their silence a DOG WHISTLE that condones this violence?

If this story sounds recently familiar, that's because it is.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection wryly notes, "The woman involved in the incident, Rosaine Santos, was arrested by police. But that may be the least of her problems."

Jacobson then links to CBS Boston: "Santos is currently facing local charges for assault and other offenses. She is presently in ICE custody and has been entered into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts."

This, apparently, is where these battle lines are drawn; Illegal aliens so brazen in their lawlessness, they feel empowered to act with impunity against U.S. citizens whom they deem the enemy of their 'right' to open borders.

As stated more than once on this blog, Danger Zone Morality is in affect until it's not.