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Friday, March 29, 2019

It Was on Fire When I lay Down on It

Yes, I stole the title from author Robert Fulghum and his 1991 novel in which he tells psuedo-parables for the masses by impersonating Mr. Rogers.

But that title is an apt description for two of my favorite morning reads, Kurt Schlichter at Townhall, and JJ Sefton at AoSHQ. They are anything but Mr. Rogers. Their independent insight into the astonishing and outrageous happenings during the previous weeks form a Venn diagram where the overlap burns white hot to expose many on the Left for the traitors, haters, liars, and cheats they truly are.

First at bat is Schlichter: "The media howls about the rule of law. Democrat poohbahs cry about the rule of law. The Fredocon gimps whimper about the rule of law. But the “rule of law” they aspire to is merely their rule over you. To them, the rule of law is not some transcendent principle. Its purpose is not to ensure equality and fairness in our society. It’s a weapon designed to make sure nothing disrupts their scam.

Why do you think our elite is so eager to pass new laws and regulations? Is it because normal people like you and me are running wild in the streets? No, of course not. They don’t want to regulate political campaigns to make sure elections are fair. They want to regulate them so they will always win and we never will again. They don’t want a Green New Deal because they care about the weather in 2219, but because they want to take our power and our money for themselves. They don’t want to ban our guns because we’re dangerous to other Americans but because, armed and ready to defend our rights, we’re dangerous to their power."

The clean-up hitter is Sefton: "But while all of this was going on, the one thing that they did not count on was that Donald J. Trump punches back. Twice as hard, and right in the throat. And the harder he fought back the more shrill and nakedly partisan were the voices from the Democrats, Media and NeverTrumper Coup-Cuck-Clansters, which fomented incidents of violence and intimidation against ordinary people and political leaders. The other thing it did was touch off an internecine war within the Democrat Party between the pseudo-stealth Socialist old guard and the naked, in your face Shining Path Maoists. Suddenly, anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity, open borders, actual infanticide, killing field-level ludditism and the setting alight of whatever fragments of our Constitution and heritage remain in a Reichstag fire made by the Up-Talk-Brown-Shirt-Brigades was mainstream and playing all over the nightly news like a Sunday night Disney movie. This cannot be playing well in Peoria.

And all of this is happening because of the election of Donald J. Trump. But make no mistake; Trump himself is not really the cause of all this. Or at least, he is just half of the equation. The other half is a sizable number of Americans having lived through and survived the 24-year period from 1992-2016 - especially the last 8 - understood full well that something was wrong with the nation. Trump merely articulated the rage and more importantly the promise that something could and would be done about it."

I'm just the bat boy, but my 2 cents boils down to  Maxim, Axiom & Laws as a starting point for my political filter.

In regards to Trump, his turmoil, and why I can tolerate it: Danger zone morality.

When your sworn enemy is out to destroy you, and the guy next to you has your back, you don’t really care if the guy next to you smells his farts, cheats on his wife, hates dogs, has bad breath, and a foul mouth – as long as he has your back!

And Trump suits my purposes just fine, thank you, because he fights and wins.

For the Left, their mask hasn’t merely slipped, they’re in full on resident evil mode, and show no signs of letting up.

As for me and my house, danger zone morality is in affect until further notice.