Friday, April 05, 2019

A Few Headlines

Cats Recognize Their Own Names — Even If They Choose to Ignore Them
How can you tell the difference?

A New Way to Fight Cancer
Metabolic therapy is showing promise in robbing malignant cells of their primary energy source

5 of the Best Demos of Projectile Motion and Its Quirks
I had it on good authority there would be no math...

Alexa, What's My Blood-Sugar Level?
Translation: Wiretap, by-pass HIPAA regulations, publish all my medical data online, then figure out why so much personal info has been hacked?

Facebook Removes Exposed User Records Stored on Amazon’s Servers
Why was it there in the first place, was consent provided, where is it now, and how is it my life is your profit center, yet I receive no compensation?

Here’s the real reason why Terracotta Army weapons are so well-preserved
It's the soil, not an early form of anti-rust technology as previously thought.