Thursday, April 04, 2019

Three More Women Complain About Creepy Encounters With Joe Biden

That makes a total of 7. So far. Some alleged incidents date back to 2012-13. The public complaints are new, but the creepy behavior by Biden is not.

Back in 2015, even the Washington Post blog called 'Compost' waxed sarcastic to ask 'What are we going to do about Creepy Uncle Joe Biden?' Plus, the pictures of 'creepy uncle joe' are all over the internet. It's not hard to find 'em.

There's also the infamous claim that Joe liked to swim naked in his private pool with female secret service agents in the vicinity. I bet his wife is so proud.

Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection details the latest women to accuse former VP Biden of creepy behavior, then asks, "Isn’t it weird how everyone is now talking about these uncomfortable experiences when Biden is expected to announce any day now that he will run for president?"

Yes. 'Unexpectedly.' How’s that due process working out, Joe? Justice Kavanaugh can give you some tips.


Actually, I don’t give a rat’s booty about Joe being a creepy groper any more than I care about Trump bragging on video that women will let him grab them by the wingding.

Biden was Obama’s VP, and that’s reason enough for me to oppose Biden as potus in 2020.