Thursday, April 04, 2019

Another Teen Wearing MAGA Hat Accosted by Adult

Rise of the clothing fascists continues.

The adult is a Missouri Western college student. The teen wearing the MAGA hat was a high school student visiting the campus to help decorate for a prom his school was holding there that weekend.

From Chloe Rhein at MWSU Griffon News: "The incident began on the first floor of the Blum Student Union at approximately 4:30 p.m. Friday. Missouri Western student Dossou Nidaye noticed a person on campus wearing the red MAGA hat and asked him to take it off, according to a video she posted with her friend Andrea Gordon explaining the situation. The disagreement moved to the second floor of Blum, where Missouri Western police officers got involved, trying to defuse the situation.

Since the confrontation, a student gathering has been announced for Monday in the Blum Student Union Lobby at noon to discuss the issue."

First world problems. It's just a hat. Get over it.

The confrontation escalated on the 2nd floor: "In the Griffon News video (since taken down), Nidaye can be heard saying, “[The hat] is a symbol of white supremacy and I don’t want to see that. I wake up every day and see my people getting killed.”

One of the two officers at the scene can be heard in the video saying the confrontation needed to be resolved and to not tell him that he doesn’t understand the situation...

The confrontation ended with Nidaye saying to the police officer, “I don’t want to talk calmly. I want him to take it off.”"

Too bad. You don't get to self-appoint as the moral authority for haberdashery. There's a diverse choice of headwear out there, and I hear diversity is very popular these days. Moreover, MWSU is a public institution, and  I'm very triggered that my tax dollars fund a 'Snowflake 101' curriculumn.

Campus administration released a rather tepid response, but at least it's not capitulation to the Leftists, as we've seen on other campuses: “As a campus community, we cherish the freedom of expression guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, and we have an obligation to protect that freedom for our students, employees and visitors. Equally important is that we exercise our freedom of expression in a way that respects the inherent worth of each individual on our diverse campus. Ideally, we would express our views and listen to views different from our own not with an intent to start or win an argument, but to understand and be understood. That can be a challenge in a community like Missouri Western’s, where we have such a diversity of backgrounds and opinions. But it is vital. It is my hope that this incident can spark a period of reflection and conversation that will deepen all of our understanding of these two core values, freedom and respect.”