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Friday, April 12, 2019

If It Walks Like a Spy, Talks Like a Spy, Acts Like a Spy...

Some clarity for busy people concerning Obama's Spy-gate Scandal by Al Perrotta over at The Stream: "Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen was aghast, “You’re not suggesting, though, that spying occurred? (on the Trump campaign)”

Said Barr: “I think spying did occur. Yes I think spying did occur.”

He quickly followed by saying, “But the question is whether it was predicated, adequately predicated.” In other words, “Yeah, they spied, but it might well have been by the book.”

No matter. He’d said the S-word and Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) went apoplectic.

Nancy Pelosi was shaking like she was covered in ants. Barr is “going off the rails.” Senators Chuck Schumer and Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal demanded Barr retract. NBC’s Chuck Todd, over the sound of Tim Russert rolling over in his grave, moaned “The attorney general gaslit the country.”

Todd insisted there’s “zero factual basis” for saying Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. Chuck Todd is lying through his goatee. And Gang of Eight members Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? The worst acting by any high profile duo since J-Lo and Ben Affleck did Gigli. (2003 flick scored a 6% on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer.)

As Kimberley Strassel tweeted this morning: “Everyone in the press knows this was ‘spying’ and moreover that they would be using that word if this were govt. surveillance they didn’t like.”

The Evidence: Obama Pretty Much Confessed