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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Notre Dame Fire Comes Amid Huge Wave of anti-Christian Church Desecrations and Arsons Throughout France

I had not heard about this until now. Had you?

From Debra Heine at American Greatness: "While it probably was an accident, it is worth pointing out that it happened during Holy Week–the holiest week of the liturgical year– amid a disturbing wave of anti-Christian attacks on Catholic churches throughout France.

In just one week in March, a dozen churches were desecrated in different regions of France in what appeared to be “obvious” cases of anti-Christian vandalism, according to ABC Internacional, a conservative Spanish daily paper.

“In Nîmes (Gard), the Notre-Dame-des-Enfants church was desecrated in a particularly odious way: strangers painted a cross with human excrement, looted the main altar and the tabernacle and stole the wafers , which were later discovered among piles of waste, ” the Spanish daily reported. Other churches vandalized in March included Dijon (Côte-d’Or), Lavaur (Tarn), Maisons-Laffitte and Houilles (Yvelines), and desecrations had “an obvious anti-Christian character,” ABC reported."

Those numbers are astounding in this 'peaceful,' hyper-secularized nation of France.

 "According figures released by French police, 875 of France’s 42,258 churches were vandalized last year, and 129 churches reported thefts from the premises, the Sun reported. On top of that, 59 cemeteries were vandalized, according to France’s Ministry of the Interior. In 2018, the interior ministry reportedly recorded 541 anti-Semitic acts, 100 anti-Muslim acts, and 1063 anti-Christian acts in France."

Tell me again about this 'anti-muslim backlash' of which you speak??

Aside from the fact that the 850 year old Notre-Dame Cathedral is such an iconic symbol worldwide, most likely this fire would've merely been another of the hundreds of church arsons which take place every year in France. Every. Year.

I had not heard about this pandemic of attacks on French churches until now. Had you?

Yet before firefighters had even brought the raging inferno at Notre-Dame under control, French officials had declared the fire 'an accident, not arson.'

Contrast that silence concerning anti-Christain hatred in France with the instant outrage frenzy in the U.S. media when a traditionally Black church is vandalized. A single incident is used as evidence to convict America en masse as an intolerant, racist, horrible haven for white nationalist bigots woven into our societal fabric.

It's above-the-fold front page news; 24/7 talking head fodder on cable; click, click, click-bait for all the lefty websites; and a fund raising flash point for Lefty politicians with their rabid base of supporters. Confirmation bias unlocked. Good job, boys.

But when the ugly vandalism against a traditionally Black church in the USA is proved to be a fake 'hate' crime - like the hundreds of fake 'hate' crimes since Trump was elected - it instantly goes down the memory hole or is relegated to the metro section on page 13.

Meanwhile in France, 875 of its 42,258 churches were vandalized in 2018. And the American media simply doesn't give a crap.

The reason is obvious.