Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Shoppers get drunk, go online, and spend money on Amazon

Clothing is the most popular purchase.

From Sasha Lekach at Mashable: "Tech and business newsletter The Hustle surveyed more than 2,000 alcohol-drinking adults about their online shopping behavior after imbibing and found that on average, shoppers spent more than $400 per year on items bought while intoxicated. If you apply that number beyond the respondents to include America's legal alcohol-drinkers, you get roughly roughly $48 billion on drunken purchases every year."

No, no. I had it on reliable authority that we were all gonna die with the repeal of 'net neutrality,' and be stuck with tortoise-slow internet which charged per web page visit, rendering e-commerce impossible.

Lekach continues: "Based on the survey, 85 percent of drunk shoppers visit and make ill-advised purchases Amazon, followed by Ebay at 21 percent, and then Etsy at 12 percent.

It doesn't help that Amazon has an efficient, easy-to-use mobile app and a seemingly endless inventory."

'It doesn't help?' But of course. Efficient, easy & endless screams for a 12 step program.

Or perhaps you don't have problem until you get drunk, go online, then buy more booze...