Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Working the Polls Today

It's one of those off-year, local elections when turnout is typically low, and only dedicated voters come to the polls. The population in this precinct is a diverse mix of old and young,  mostly white and black folks with a smattering of yellow and mixed race.

As with many other elections I have worked, 99% of all voters who approach the check-in table have a valid photo ID (state drivers license, etc) in hand. Ninety-nine percent. This, despite an activist judge who struck down Missouri's photo ID law last year to allow most anything - from bank statement to medicaid card to utility bill - to be used as voter ID

This is only anecdotal evidence about photo ID, but I can only conclude that the Leftist propaganda of how photo ID to vote is racist, or a hardship, or disenfranchises minority voters is horsecrap; absolute horsecrap.

Whenever I hear some politician or pundit babble on about photo ID is racist, etc.,  I only hear 'this politician or pundit supports voter fraud.' There's no other explanation.